One Man Show
I currently have a one man show at Frameworks in San Luis Obispo, CA. The show runs from March 1st to May 28th, 2019. The show features work from California, France, and New Mexico, three locations where I have lived, painted, and continue to return. Most of the paintings are recent including the works from Santa Fe and Paris. There are approximately 25 paintings in all with a variety of subject matter including coastal scenes from California, figures, Santa Fe adobes, and scenes of the Canal St Martin in Paris.
In other news, I have been commissioned to paint a mural for a new restaurant in San Luis Obispo. This will be at the new Taco Temple, the legendary restaurant from Morro Bay. The new Taco Temple will be in the former location of Margie's Diner on Calle Joaquin just off Hwy 101.