Writings - Books

92 Winslow Gardens


92 Winslow Gardens relates the author’s remarkable nine months in London as a struggling artist. Without funds, work papers, or resources, he struck upon the idea of selling his sketches in the streets of London. But the most remarkable part of his adventurous life was his relationship with an older woman of overwhelming character and beauty. Together they forged a powerful bond that like all great loves existed in a world of their own. Every day was an adventure and together they were ready for anything.

Between the Covers: Reading, Writing, and Romance


Between the Covers is a memoir of a lifelong love affair with books. Ken recounts his early days as a voracious reader which led to a lifelong habit. He grows into a book collector and later realizes a dream by owning his own second hand bookstore. Although making his living as a professional artist for thirty-five years, the urge to write never left him and intermittently over the years he has managed to pen six books. He didn't spend his life buried in books however. They were also inspirations for daring moves and companions on the road. As a hitchhiker, a student in England, a painter in Paris, or finally settled in California, books were always there at the right time. Ken shares the many twists and turns of a life well lived along with his passion for the widely varied books that inspired and consoled him.

Joey Triumphant


Joey Triumphant continues the adventures of Joey Appleshoe. When we rejoin Joey he is on his way to Mackinac Island, Michigan after leaving Nick's farm after the scandal involving the mysterious Mr. V. Joey finds a new life and more adventures while shoeing horses for a riding stable on the Island where automobiles are banned. Even the idyllic life on Mackinac can't hold Joey as he is once again off on amazing adventures of self discovery, heroism, and passionate love affairs. His path takers him to Ojai, California for an unlikely search for a lost civilization. Finally Joey takes on another challenge in rebuilding a chateau in the heart of France. How does he get involved with a pornographic movie in France? And will he ever be reunited with the love of his life, the powerful and beautiful Nina? Read the wonderful and rollicking conclusion to Joey's adventures to learn all.

Joey Appleshoe


Call me Joey Appleshoe. I’m the real Joey Appleshoe, if there is such a thing. I’m a legend, an urban myth, a mythological creature, a throwback to when giants roamed the earth. But I’m here to tell you the truth; I’m just a Midwestern farm boy trying to serve humanity and save my soul and if I have to make love to a few homely women along the way, so be it. I didn’t set out to be some kind of hero, half worshipped, half scorned and mostly disbelieved by all.

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Up North With Uncle Bob


Uncle Bob puffed contentedly on his pipe as we glided ever nearer to the Bridge in the mighty Buick Electra Estate Wagon. Everyone in Michigan knows that “The Bridge” is Mighty Mac, the Mackinac Bridge, connecting the Upper and Lower peninsulas of Michigan. The Bridge is one of the few of man's handiworks that I haven't lost faith in as I've grown older, wiser, and more cynical. The first glimpse of those huge towers supporting the suspension bridge is always filled with a sense of wonder and awe.

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The Blue Cabin


Eric’s little blue house was situated among the terraces rising from the valley, almost equidistant between three small villages. Each of the three, Solliés-Pont, Solliés-Ville, and Solliés-Toucas presented the charm and ambiance of Provence. However, shopping centers were sprouting in the valley and the influence of Toulon, eighteen kilometers away was reaching out. Eric fell in love with Solliés-Ville, the oldest of the three villages and his favorite. Solliés-Ville preserves the old character best, being the most inaccessible atop a small mountain.

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